Bananas And Constipation: Do Bananas Cause Constipation?

Bananas And Constipation, Do Bananas Cause Constipation, constipation relief, Are Bananas Good For Constipation? Bananas for Constipation, Are Bananas Good For Constipation, Bananas for Constipation

Are Bananas Good For Constipation?

Bananas for Constipation:

There are two major factors to consider before consuming bananas—their ripeness and quantity. One medium banana contains three grams of dietary fiber. A study published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics states that soluble fiber may benefit in chronic idiopathic constipation.

Green Bananas for Constipation Relief

Green bananas are rich in resistant starch, which functions like soluble fiber and helps with constipation. The resistant starch escapes digestion in the small intestine, and feeds the friendly bacteria in the large intestine. These bacteria produce short-chain fats, which promote digestive health and benefit metabolism. A study published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences mentions that a green banana along with pectin can treat diarrhea in children and adults.

Yellow Bananas for Constipation

On the other hand, as a banana ripens and becomes yellow, they produce pectin with the help of the pectinase enzyme. The pectin and fiber content in ripe bananas aid in reducing constipation. Also, the number of bananas you eat is important. Ideally, you should have one or two ripe bananas every day.

Do Bananas Cause Constipation?

According to a survey conducted, it was found that people believed bananas caused constipation. A study published in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition says that bananas can cause or aggravate preexisting constipation and is used to treat diarrhea. However, the ripening factor matters here. Green or unripe bananas contain a lot of starch that is not easy to digest. Thus, they can cause constipation. In fact, traditionally, they have been used to treat diarrhea.
Bananas And Constipation, Do Bananas Cause Constipation, constipation relief, Are Bananas Good For Constipation? Bananas for Constipation, Are Bananas Good For Constipation, Bananas for Constipation

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