How to Use Pineapple Juice For Constipation Relief

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Pineapple Juice For Constipation:

Is pineapple juice Good for Constipation Treatment?

Millions of people suffer from constipation due to their diet or lack of daily exercise. Infrequent bowel movements or difficulty eliminating feces can be relieved by varying our diet more, changing our sedentary lifestyles, and drinking 2 liters of water a day.

Aside from all of this, we can also take advantage of the marvelous benefits of pineapple. Thanks to its star component, bromelain, it improves digestion in general and helps the intestines work flawlessly. We should also highlight the dietary fiber it contains which helps maintain the regularity of bowel movements.

Pineapple Fruit for Constipation

If you suffer from constipation, you should eat a cup of cubed pineapple each day. If this is something you suffer from regularly, it’d be good to eat this fruit several times a week. That way, you can ensure more regular bowel movements.
In addition, you can drink pineapple juice as long as it’s natural (industrial juices don’t count because they contain added preservatives and sugar).

How Much Pineapple Juice For Constipation Relief?

A glass of this juice (250 ml) provides 0.5 grams of fiber. So, if the constipation is acute, it’s advisable to drink 8 glasses (approximately a liter and a half) in one day.

If the constipation is mild (which can happen, for example, if we go on holiday or change our diet), we can drink one glass of pineapple juice each day on an empty stomach and follow it with a glass of water (200 ml).

Pineapple Juice for constipation in Children

For children, it’s recommended to mix half a glass of juice with half a glass of water. It’s always convenient to have a juicer at home so that you can prepare it and drink it immediately.

Constipation Relief, Pineapple juice for constipation, pineapple constipation, pineapple for constipation, pineapple and constipation, is pineapple good for constipation
Pineapple Juice For Constipation

Tips & Precautions:

  • While pineapple is nutritious and beneficial, it does have some counter-indications:
  • For example, it can cause dehydration (this is why it should always be consumed with water).
  • For people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, pineapple juice could make the symptoms worse.
Constipation Relief, Pineapple juice for constipation, pineapple constipation, pineapple for constipation, pineapple and constipation, is pineapple good for constipation

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