12 Side Effects of Low Carb Diet Need To Know About

Side Effects of Low Carb Diet

Side Effects of Low Carb Diet

Going on a low carb diet is the first thing that comes to the mind of a person planning to go on a diet. Reducing your carb intake reduces your nutrient intake as well. It leads to a number of side effects most of which are minor ones. They linger for a short period of time after which the body adjusts itself. Lower your carbs to a moderate level instead of making it very low. A low carb diet of 100 to 200 grams of carbs is best suitable.

12 Unexpected Low Carb Diet Side Effects:

1. Frequent Urination:

The extra glycogen present in the liver and muscles are broken down releasing more water. This water is excreted by the kidneys. Additionally, the dropping of the insulin circulation, the kidneys also begin excreting the sodium in the body which further increases your trip to the bathroom.

2. Hypoglycemia:

Be sure to have some transient blood sugar episodes when you suddenly plan a low carb diet. Your body is habituated to release a certain amount of insulin to break down the sugar you previously consumed. Lowering your carbs takes some time for the body to adjust to. During this period you will face some episodes of low blood sugar.

3. Headaches:

While you are going through your period of ketosis during the low carb diet, flu like symptom, light head feeling are common for a few days. To ensure that you are not losing sodium, add one tablespoon of salt in you drinking water sometimes. When going for a low carb diet ensure that your water and sodium intake is optimum.

4. Constipation:

On your low carb diet you are consuming a lot less of those essential fibers that are needed by the body for the smooth passage of faeces. It is natural to have constipation, especially if you are consuming a lot of dairy products to supplement your protein. You need to drink loads of water and fibrous low-carb vegetables to ensure the smooth working of your digestive system.

5. Sugar Craving:

You will feel intense desire of consuming sweet products as you have completely cut them out of your diet. It will eventually subside and you will feel better. Stick to your resolution to get over this problem as it shall abide eventually.

6. Muscle Cramps:

Low diet triggers muscle cramps in the initial stages of diet adjustments as the loss of magnesium in the new diet plans affects the functioning of the body.

7. Sleep Disorder:

On a low carb diet many individuals undergo low insulin and serotonin conditions which causes sleep disorder. Consult your doctor for a healthy solution to sleeplessness.

8. Kidney Stones:

Many people have complained of being affected by kidney stones right after they stopped consuming carb diets. If you are facing such problems then consult your doctor t once.

9. Irregular Menstruation:

This is a short term side effect. It is probably happening to you if you are going on such a diet to reduce your weight quickly. The hormones are stored in the fats of the body. Burning fat releases them into the bloodstream. These extra hormones in the bloodstream cause irregular periods and occasional spotting.

10. Mood Swings:

The mood swings are bound to happen. The body chemistry is difficult to comprehend and it definitely affects our mental health as well. When the body is trying to adapt to the new diet changes it puts stress on the body which also affects our mental health. Once you get used to it you will have better mental state than before.

11. T3 Thyroid Hormone Level Lowered:

This is a natural side effect that comes with lowering of T3 thyroid hormone and one should not perceive it in  a negative sense. If the level is alarmingly low, we suggest visiting an endocrinologist and take proper consultation before continuing the low carb diet.

12. Hair Loss:

A major change in diet generally triggers a lot of hair fall. Consult your doctor if it is worrying you. The problem goes away with time.

Final Word

These are some of the side effects of a low carb diet. Most of them are a short term side effect and go away overtime. You need to balance your diet properly so that the body adjusts to your new diet faster. Low Card Diet can be healthy but occurrence of side effects shouldn’t be neglected. If the side effects persist, medical attention should be immediately taken.

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10 Side Effects of Pistachio Nuts You Didn’t Know About

Side Effects of Pistachio Nuts

A member of the cashew family the pistachio grows on a tree of the same name. Native to Asia and now grown in various parts of the world, this nut is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and various other compounds. All these properties make it a very beneficial product for anyone. But it comes with certain side effects which we will be discussing here.

Here are 10 Pistachio Nuts Side Effects:

1. Weight Gain:

This nut is nutritionally satisfying. It contains high protein and fiber content and added to it, it is very delicious. But if you consume these nuts too often and in large quantities, weight gain is assured. A cup of pistachio nuts ensures that 700 calories enter the body. A surplus of 3500 calories adds pounds of fat in the body. Hence it is suggested the consumption is monitored to avoid excess weight gain that could lead to obesity.

2. High Blood Pressure:

Given its heavenly taste it is very hard to resist salted pistachio, unless of course you come to the realization that it is harming you. If you love this salted snack and are consuming a lot of it every day (1/2 to 1 cup), be sure that you are aware of the blood pressure will increase. It hikes up your sodium consumption by 264 to 525 mg. You run a risk of high blood pressure you can develop one.

3. Gastrointestinal problems:

Fructans is an important component of pistachio nuts. It is a rather harmless component unless your body is reactive to it. It will give you gastrointestinal problems like, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain. The degree of your symptom depends on your level of intolerance and the number of nuts you have consumed.

4. Allergic Reaction:

It is better to stay away from pistachio if you are suffering from nut allergies. Allergic reactions give rise to vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cough and cold, breathing difficulties, chest tightness, hives etc… One may also develop skin rashes, angioedema of face and even in some cases anaphylaxis reaction.

5. Kidney Problems:

Pistachios are enriched with potassium. This element plays an important part in regulating blood pressure, improving metabolism, maintaining electrolyte balance and of course protecting our kidneys. If we are consuming high quantities of pistachios, it increases the potassium content in our body. This becomes harmful as it adversely affect the kidneys. The kidneys are not so effective in eliminating potassium from the system. This will give rise to nausea, slow pulse rate, irregular heartbeat, dehydration, Type-1 diabetes; Addison’s disease etc. consume pistachios in regulated amounts.

6. Navel Orange Worm:

Sometimes pistachios come contaminated with navel orange worm. It is found inside the nut or between the seed and the nut. The worm is not harmful but the fruit gets contaminated by aspergillus fungi which produces aflatoxin that is harmful for us.

7. Bacterium Salmonella:

Another harmful bacterium which may enter your system through pistachios is bacteria salmonella. If your pistachios are contaminated by these bacteria you will be suffering from diarrhea. Salmonella is fatal for infants, and also to everyone with low immunity. The problem can be resolved by roasting the nuts.

8. Increased Acrylamide:

Acrylamide is a carcinogen that increases chances of developing cancer. It gets into your body through roasted pistachios. There is not much proof to support this fact but it is better to be safe.

9. High Manganese:

You run this risk if you are consuming high amounts of manganese if you are consuming too many pistachio. The nut is well known for its manganese content. Manganese helps in the formation of connective tissues, regulates blood sugar, metabolizes fats and carbohydrates etc… However, high consumption of manganese leads to increasing  headaches, tremors, loss of appetite, cramps in your legs and arms, hallucination and even neurological disorders.

10. Excessive Fiber:

Fiber in your food is essential and pistachios can provide you with a lot of them. But having too much of dietary fibers will upset your stomach and lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramping, intestinal pain, irritable bowel syndrome etc…
These are some of the common side effects of pistachios. Pistachios can be healthy but occurrence of side effects shouldn’t be neglected. If the side effects persist, medical attention should be immediately taken. Otherwise as well, one should avoid dry fruits and nuts as there have been reported instances of excessive body heat being produced.

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