8 Side Effects Of Multivitamins Need to Know Before Taking

Side Effects Of Multivitamins

Side Effects Of Multivitamins

Multivitamins are usually taken to balance the level of vitamins in our body that is not fulfilled completely due to our dietary intake.
So as to balance all the vitamins there are several supplements present in tablet or powder form that can be taken any time a day as prescribed by doctor or pharmacist.
On the same side routinely taking dosage of vitamins and minerals can harm your body. Here we have mentioned both common and uncommon side effects of consuming Multivitamins.

8 Unexpected Multivitamin Side Effects:

1. Agitation:

Agitation  is a state of nervous excitement or anxiety. This is found in people taking multivitamins with aspirin and having depression.  It is commonly found in females with age of 60+.

2. Allergic Reactions:

If you are allergic to a vitamin or mineral present in multivitamin, then your immune system mistakes it as harmful to you and reacts in a certain way to protect you from it. That further causes imbalance of vitamins and results by causing  rashes, hives, swelling of eyes, itching or redness.

3. Dizziness:

It is mainly caused by folate deficiency, but on the other hand high dosage of vitamin A, niacin and choline can also cause dizziness. So always be sure about your dosage of vitamins.

4. Double Vision:

Consuming more than daily amount of recommended Vitamin A and D can cause double vision. Whereas the same is responsible for helping one get rid of double vision.This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. So call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

5. Iron Overdose:

Iron poisoning can be really serious. Multivitamins containing excess amount of iron and taking high dosage of it can result in liver failure. Children are at risk of permanent harm. So it’s really necessary to keep these vitamins out of reach of kids and to manage your dosage intake properly.

6. Fat Soluble Vitamin Overdose:

Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) overdose results in harmful side effects. Vitamin A overdose can cause nausea, headache, dizziness, lack of appetite and fatigue.
Vitamin D overdose can cause kidney failure as excess intake of calcium in our body can result in deposition of calcium fragments near our joints thereby resulting in serious conditions like arthritis.
Vitamin E overdose can cause skin allergies or bleeding disorders.Vitamin K overdose can lead to toxicity. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting. Till now we don’t have any particular defined dosage of vitamin in our body. But still the dosage should be taken care of.

7. Affects Gastrointestinal System:

Common side effect of multivitamin uses is mild gastrointestinal symptoms that include nausea and diarrhea. They normally subsides a couple of days. Mainly iron take is responsible for stomach discomfort.

8. Taste Alteration:

Multivitamin users report a strange taste in their mouth. This due to metallic minerals present in them like magnesium and iron. This subsides within a span of time.

Final Word:

Overall, multivitamin are relatively safe if taken according to the prescribed dosage or according to the deficiency in our body. Always make sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist regarding your intake of multivitamins and make sure you tell them about the other ongoing drug, if any. Administer dosage of vitamin properly and lead a healthy life ahead.

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