How to Use Guava For Constipation Relief Fast

Constipation Relief, Guava for constipation, Guava constipation, Guava for constipation, Guava and constipation, is Guava good for constipation, constipation treatment
Guava Fruit

Is Guava An Effective Remedy For Constipation?

Guava For Constipation Relief 

Guava is one of the most underrated fruits though very helpful. It is often cheaper but at the same time ignored by many in favor of other expensive fruits. When we talk about constipation, Guava can be very useful natural remedy for constipation. Taking guava regularly can go a long way to help you control and overcome constipation without making your intestines lose their natural abilities.

How Does Guava Help In Constipation Treatment?

Many of the medicines available in the market may be harmful to you in the long term. These medicines may help your in the short term but in the long term many of these medicines may make your intestines lose their own ability.

When you take medicines which are harmful to the intestines, you may develop dependency on these medicine and when you keep on taking these medicines for a long time even these may lose their effectiveness.

Constipation Relief, Guava for constipation, Guava constipation, Guava for constipation, Guava and constipation, is Guava good for constipation, constipation treatment
Guava Fruit

How to Take Guava for Constipation?

You can take guava in the morning breakfast. In case you suffer from gastric problem when you take guava then take it after lunch. Only thing to remember is not to chew the seeds of guava because it can be harmful to people suffering from stomach ulcers.

The seeds of of guava also lead to constipation if you chew them and then eat. But it is also not advisable to throw away the seeds. Proper way to eat guava is to cut in half or quarter pieces and then eat the outer portion which are seedless first. Then when you reach the part with the seed and the pulp just softly chew the pulp so as to make it softer and pulpy without breaking the seed and then just gulp it.

Guava also help in increasing hemoglobin and increases the luster of the face.

Ensure that guava is neither too unripe nor too ripe. This can be judged by the hardness or the softness of the fruit. Do not take the fruit in the night and only in the morning or afternoon.

Constipation Relief, Guava for constipation, Guava constipation, Guava for constipation, Guava and constipation, is Guava good for constipation, constipation treatment

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