How To Get Rid Of Crow’s Feet

how to get rid of crow’s feet, home remedies for crow’s feet, wrinkles treatment, anti-aging, how to get rid of wrinkles, eye wrinkles

Anti Aging

Notice the lines around the outer corners of your eyes which get prominent as you squint them? These are called crow’s feet. They usually appear as we enter our 30s and get prominent as we age but can appear sooner or later depending on one’s skincare regimen and lifestyle habits. But if you feel they are more noticeable than ever, then here are a few ways you can reduce their appearance.

What Causes Crow's Feet?

Another reason for the appearance of crow’s feet is that the skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Certain creams can come in handy to reduce their appearance. Eye gels are your best bet as they contain ingredients which will suit the delicate area. An eye gel with collagen that produces peptides is a good option. But remember, it will take time to see results so be patient.

How to Treat Crow's Feet: Anti Aging

The best way to treat crow’s feet is to take Botox injections. Adequate doses will soften the lines and give a natural look.


Botox is botulinum toxin which is purified and sterile and is safe to use. It can be used for medical as well as cosmetic purposes. Cosmetically, it is used to lighten wrinkles and tighten the jaw line. 

‘Never opt for large units of Botox else you will lose your expressions, albeit for 4 months. There is no downtime and no side-effect if injected by a well-trained dermatologist,’ adds Dr Sharad.

‘Microneedling with dermaroller or fractional laser treatment are other options to reduce crow’s feet. However, you may get a 30 to 40% improvement as opposed to a 100% improvement with Botox. Secondly, there is a downtime of 2 to 3 days with these treatments,’ she says.


In a dermaroller treatment, a roller with tiny needles is rolled across the face after the skin has been numbed with a cream. This induces new collagen in the skin.


Lasers help cause injury as part of the treatment and this helps newer, better skin to regenerate and induce collagen. Fractional laser treatment works on the same principle but multiple sessions may be required.

Face Yoga

Face yoga is another way to make sure that those lines are diminished. Danielle Collins, a leading face yoga expert recommends practising the ‘V’ exercise. To do this, put both your middle fingers together between your eyebrows then apply pressure to the outer corners of your eyes with your index fingers. Look up and start to move the lower eyelids upwards, making a strong squint. Then relax and repeat six more times. To finish, squeeze your eyes shut for 10 seconds then relax.

Sunscreen Moisturizer

The best thing is to start taking care of your skin from the time you are in your teens. Sunscreen, moisturiser, eye cream are mandatory when it comes to skincare. Avoid smoking as nicotine causes early wrinkles and is a big cause for crow’s feet, advises Dr Sharad.

Tips & Precautions

Insufficient sleep and making too many facial expressions can also be a cause of early appearance of crow’s feet. A simple home remedy to keep these at bay is to apply a bit of avocado oil or cream on the area every day as it is known for keeping anti-ageing signs such as crow’s feet at bay. Make sure you have a healthy lifestyle and eating habits to delay these ageing signs and look younger for the longest time. 

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